By Jacob Hansen — July 20, 2017

MOST OF THE WORLD believes that teenagehood is pretty lame. Either that or they say it’s your one and only opportunity to have fun and be stupid in your life before you have to deal with the “real world.”

The ultra-critical phase of our lives known as youth and young adulthood is stereotyped by going to a school that sucks the life out of you with meaningless busywork, living for the next big social event, wondering what the heck you want to do with your life, and being perpetually sleep deprived. At best, you get a nice college scholarship, save some money, and win a few extracurricular awards. You end up finding a place in the world, but it’s far from the great ambitions you once had.

That’s it? Really? Lame.

We don’t believe life has to be like that, because we know the truth about you: YOU ARE A HERO. There’s a quiet part of your heart that desires to embark on great adventures, become unstoppable in the face of opposition, and touch the lives of others as only a hero can. We know that yes, you CAN, because that is what you were born for.

You have a unique and priceless purpose to live. You don’t have to spend your life wondering where you need to be and what you need to do with your life. Consider this your letter to Hogwarts, because you have a mission to achieve.

You have the choice to become free from your greatest obstacles. No matter how great the circumstances, people, feelings, or obstacles in your life appear, they do not have the power to control you. You always have a choice, and through choosing rightly, you can always become free.

You have the power to make a difference in the world. Though young, you have everything you need to become a champion for others and literally change our world for the better starting today! You are powerful, and you can do great good with that power. By becoming the best hero you can be, you will bless the people around you in more ways than you can imagine.

The LIONHEART Movement exists to unite the greatest generation of heroes the world has ever seen. Our triumph is possible because for the first time in the history of the world, four critical elements have collided:

1) The most foundational principles of self-improvement. These principles are crafted into a message that not only answers the deepest personal questions faced by the rising generation, but also transcends culture, education, religion, politics and social clichés.

2) World-class speakers, leaders, and mentors who aren’t old, wise, experienced gurus. We’ve been extensively trained by those gurus, but at Lionheart, we’re all youth and young adults; just like our heroes. What we lack in years, we substitute with zeal for freedom, connection and relatability, and an unwavering belief in the greatness we see in those around us—because that’s exactly the type of leader the youth and young adults of this world are asking for.

3) The Information Age. Our increasingly digital world has reached a point where we FaceTime people across the globe without a second thought. This hyper interconnectedness is an unprecedented way to teach people and spread ideas. Thanks to your smartphone, movements have literally never been able to spread as quickly as they do today.

4) The need for a hero generation. Cycles of history show that western civilization is primed for a defining crisis (Strauss & Howe, The Fourth Turning), and with the recent string of political, economic and sociological events, who could disagree? The beautiful truth is that whenever a crisis is brewing, there’s always a generation ready to deal with it. Our generation can sense this and is unconsciously waiting for leaders to show them how they can change the world.

Whether you’re a natural born leader with the power to spread our movement on a massive scale, a hero devoted to becoming their best self and ready for mentorship, or just a big fan of our movement, we need you to unite with us.

Likewise, if you’re a parent or wise guru figure who wants to support our movement, we can give you an avenue to change a lot of lives. Please write to us at, or reach out to us on social media.

You are a hero, so live like one.

2 Responses

  1. Teresa McNeil says:

    I love what you all are doing! My daughter went to a couple of your events before her mission. I would love to have her participate again when she returns in March. I also would love my teenage boys to get involved too. The problem is ,we live in Virginia now. How can they participate from a distance?
    Teresa McNeil

    • Lionheart says:

      Thanks for contacting us, Teresa! There are lots of ways to get involved from a distance. We just reached out to you via email so that we can hear more about what your boys are looking for.

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